Thursday, November 8, 2007

It just kinda happened....and I couldn't stop it.

So I have been reading a wonderful book bought for me by my best friend for my birthday called Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. But the other day I needed a fairytale or two to get the creativity flowing.

So I began reading a most lovely short story collection called The Ogre's Wife, by Richard Parks. Tonight I was reading the third tale when I stopped in the middle of it and drew this scene.

This where Mordhu, a pooka, seeks out Stone the oldest of the Fey. Stone is sitting in a waterfall to block out the noise of the threat to the fey kingdom. "The water is noisy, but always the same. After a time it fades, and the Voice stays muffled. I do not think I will leave here for awhile."

The scan didn't turn out so well so I took some quick's to late tonight to mess around with perfection.

Close up:


Click on the image and it should take you to flickr where you can see them larger.

You would have thought I would have choosen the part where the Fey Queen gives Mordhu the task of finding out what is wrong with the land...but no...I choose a goblin and a stone fey.


Richard Parks said...

Very nice.

Tina Druce-Hoffman said...

Thanks! :) You can't be THE Richard Parks the author, can you?

At any rate, thanks!

Richard Parks said...

Sure I can. Though I understand you wanted to check. :)

Tina Druce-Hoffman said...

You have totally made my day! :D

Thanks again!